Man wearing baseball cap backwards driving a Greenvans 15 passenger rental van

Rental Insurance

Options & Coverage Details

We understand that insurance options can be confusing, so we’ve put together this slideshow to help explain our different coverage options.

Please be sure to pay careful attention to each policy’s details and the coverage they offer!

Insurance Coverage:

Greenvans offers four additional coverage options:

  • Renter’s Liability Protection (RLP)
  • Supplemental Liability Protection (SLP)
  • Personal Effects & Personal Accident Insurance (PEI/PAI)
  • Renter’s Collision Protection (RCP)

Liability Insurance

What Is Liability?

Liability occurs when you (the renter/driver) are at fault, and cause damage (property or bodily injury) to a third party.

  1. State Minimum Coverage (Primary)
  2. Additional Coverage(Supplemental)
Primary Liability Coverage

Greenvans requires all of our renters to have primary liability coverage for state minimums.

If you don’t have your own policy, you can buy ours in the form of Renter’s Liability Protection (RLP).

  • $2,500 Deductible: Responsibility of Renter/Driver
  • State Minimum Coverage Additional Coverage: Renter’s own coverage or RLP
  • Additional Coverage (Up To $300,000)
Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)
How it works

Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) covers bodily injury or property damage to others (third party) above and beyond the limits of your primary coverage.

  • State Minimum Coverage
  • Additional Coverage (Up To $300,000): Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)

Renter’s Collision Protection (RCP)

What is collision damage?

Collision damage is any damage done to the Greenvans vehicle during the rental.

How it works

Renter’s Collision Protection (RCP) covers damage* to our vehicle.

  • $500 Deductible: Responsibility of Renter/Driver
  • Value Of Damage (Up to $35,000): Renter Collision Protection (RCP):

*Damage coverage includes collision (accidents), vandalism, windstorm, fire, hail or flood.

  • RCP is NOT insurance. It is damage protection for our vehicle only and is meant to supplement your primary coverage.
  • RCP REQUIRES an accident report to be submitted regardless of the incident.
  • RCP CAN duplicate your current coverage (and prevent your personal premiums from rising).
  • RCP DOES NOT cover damage to other vehicles or property, only damage to the rental van resulting from collision (accidents), vandalism, windstorm, fire, hail, or flood.
  • RCP DOES NOT cover any Loss of Use.
Common Damage Examples:
Examples of damage to Greenvans' 15 passenger Ford Transit vans covered by Renter's Collision Protection (after deductible).
  • Fender Damage AVG Cost: $500+
  • Roof Damage AVG Cost: $10,000+
  • Side Damage AVG Cost: $6,000+

Personal Effects & Accidents (PEI/PAI)

Personal Effects (PEI) & Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) are offered as bundled packages.

We’ll break down the coverages for each insurance option in the following slides.

Personal Effects Insurance (PEI)

Personal Effects Insurance (PEI) is an optional coverage that provides the renter(s) with limited coverage from loss or damage to your personal belongings caused by theft, damage, or accident to the vehicle.

How it works

Personal Effects Insurance (PEI) covers loss or damage to items in the rental vehicle (per renter or authorized driver):

  • Value Of Item(s) (up to $525.00 per authorized driver) – Personal Effects Insurance (PEI)
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) is an optional coverage that provides the renter with accidental death coverage, accidental medical expense coverage and travel assistance during the rental period.

How it works

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) covers accidental death & medical expenses of renters/drivers during the rental period.

  • Accidental Death Benefit To Renter: $100,000 – Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
  • Accidental Death Benefit To Passenger: $10,000 – Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
  • Accidental Medical Expense & Ambulance Fee: $1,000 – Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
  • PEI/PAI Insurance does not cover Loss of Use.
  • If purchased, you must be an authorized driver to be eligible for
  • coverage.
  • Coverage extends to the authorized driver’s immediate family.

Loss of use

If an accident or damage results in excessive downtime for a rental vehicle and the renter is at fault, the renter is liable for any “Loss Of Use”. This fee is based upon the following formula:

Number of days since the date of damage multiplied by the corresponding daily rental rate

Questions / Further Information

We hope this information was helpful! For any other questions regarding our coverage options or possible insurance situations, please contact us directly!

Phone: 833-640-8267

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